

These are lines randomly occurs between the Bros. Some trigger in special location or in certain chapters. Some also very rare.


⊕ Noct walking in circles, cornering other bros

*Push from front (special animation A- “Walk backwards”)

Gladio: Just what are you up to? What’s with you, Noct? 何してんだ、ノクト?
Ignis: Most intriguing, Noct. What are you doing, Noct? なにをしてるんだ、ノクト?
Prompto: We sure about this? Eh? Noct, you okay? え?ノクト、大丈夫?

*Push from behind (special animation B- “Walk forward while looking back”)

Ignis: What now? Ugh! What is it? うっ なんだ
Prompto: What’s that? What do you want?? なーに?

*circling & snuggling other bros annoyingly until they fed up (special animation A & B)

Ignis: Lost, Noct? Is something wrong, Noct? どうした、ノクト?
Prompto: Definitely lost me. I can’t understand what he wants. 意味分かんない
Ignis: Let’s just not lose our heads. We don’t have time for playing around… 遊んでるひまはないぞ

Gladio: Hey, what’s the point going in circles? Oy, is there any hidden meaning in your strange behavior? おい、その行動いみあるのか
Prompto: You got a plan, Noct? Noct, where do you want to go actually? ノクト、どこ行きたいの?
Gladio: How ’bout you let us in? Just tell us already. はっきりしてくれよ

⊕ Noct running bumping other bros

Noctis: Hey there. Oops! おっと!
Gladio: Hey, you wanna watch where you’re goin’? What is it? Careful when you walk. なんだ しっかり歩けよ
Ignis: Temper, temper. What makes you this nervous? 何をイライラしている
Prompto: Cut it out, man! It hurts, Noct! 痛いってノクト

⊕ Noct attack others in purpose

Ignis: Playing at mutiny, are we, Noct? I’m getting tired of your manner, Noct! さっきから何のマネだ ノクト
Gladio: Not on my ship. Knock it off. Stop playing around. Hurry up and go. ふざけてねえで さっさといくぞ

Gladio: What’s your problem? Geez, what are you doing! ったく なにしてんだ
Prompto: How about you cut it out before someone gets hurt? Noct, will you stop it, please? It’s dangerous. ノクト 危ないからやめてくんない?

Prompto: Is this your idea of a joke? Why are you suddenly attacking?! 何で攻撃してくんの?
Ignis: Sadly, no one’s laughing. Give up your joke! It’s not even funny. 笑えない冗談はよせ

Cor: You find this amusing? So you find this funny? 何か面白いか?
Noctis: It’s just a joke. I’m just kidding! 冗談だよ
Cor: It’s time you grew up. Prince, it’s time you grew up. 王子、いい加減おとなになる

⊕ Friend hit friend (accident; 1-line)

Gladio: Whoa! Oh?! お?
Gladio: ??? That’s dangerous, you know!! 危なねぇだろ!!
Gladio: Ugh. Watch where you swing that thing! Ouch! Are you trying to kill me? おぉぉ!俺を殺す気か!
Ignis: ??? H- hey! お、おい!
Ignis: Eyes forward! Ack? Eyes forward! お?前を見ろ!
Ignis: Hmph. Whose side are you on? Ugh! Where the heck did you aiming at?! 一体誰を狙っている!?
Prompto: What’s the idea? Whoa! Wait… うわ、待って
Prompto: I’m one of the good guys, remember? You really mean to hurt your friend…? 仲間にやられるとかないわー
Prompto: ??? You kidding?! うそ
Prompto: Hei?! Eh-!? えぇ~!?
Iris: Noct, stop being mean! Wai… You’re awful, Noct! ちょっ、酷いノクト!
Aranea: Hey, watch it! What do you think you’re doing, Prince?! なにをしてんだよ、王子?!

⊕ …apologize

Noctis: My hand slipped. My hand slipped. 手ぇ滑った
Noctis: Didn’t mean to do that. I’m sorry, really! 悪かったって
Noctis: My bad. Sorry! 悪ぃ
Gladio: Sorry. My bad. 悪ぃ
Gladio: Accident. Sorry. すまねぇ
Ignis: Forgive me. My bad! 悪い
Ignis: Apologize. Sorry! すまない!
Ignis: Forgive me! Sorry… (Ch 14) すまない..
Prompto: ??? I’m sorry! ごめんっ!
Prompto: Uh, sorry ’bout that! Aah! I’m sorry! ああ!ごめんっ


・Only in Certain Chapter (maybe)

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Gladio: Nice having no roof—open sky. I feel free without any roof on my head! 屋根がねえってのはいいなあ
Prompto: I bet you must’ve felt cramped in the city. Feels “strained” back there in the city, right? 都会はさぞ窮屈だったでしょう
Gladio: Is that a crack about my size? That sounds like a sarcasm. なんかトゲあんなそれ

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Gladio: Amazing how free we are out here. We’re free to go anywhere we want. 俺たち自由に旅してんな
Prompto: Yep, far cry from life back home. Never imagine something like this before. 前は考えられなかったね

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Gladio: How far are we goin’? Which way we go? どの辺まで行く?
Prompto: Got plenty of time to figure it out. We still have plenty of time. 時間はまだいっぱいあるね

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Gladio: Ah, take it in. It feels nice. いい気分だ
Prompto: Nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t wanna live here. Yep. I don’t want to live here, but it’s a nice place. うん 住もうとは思わないけどいいね

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Prompto: Real quiet out here, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the crown city. In the Capital, it’s always noisy with people’s voices. But outside here, almost nothing. 王都ってさ いつも人の声が聞こえてた 外ってそういうのほんとない
Noctis: That’s what makes it hard to stay awake. Without noises, I get sleepy more easily. 刺激がないと寝そうだよな

*CH 1 & 15 only (maybe)

Prompto: Dude, what you cooked the other day? That was really good. The dinner last night is really my fav! この前の晩メシの味 オレ好みだったな
Ignis: Ah, yes. I used Galdin sea salt, which boasts unique properties. Ah, the one I made with Galdin’s salt. This salt is no ordinary salt and── ああ ガーディナ産の塩を使ったんだ この塩は 普通の塩とは違って ──
Its mineral composition closely resembles—are you listening? It’s similar to mineral balance in our fluids── …are you listening? 体液のミネラルバランスに近いため ── 聞いてるか?
Prompto: Uh…yeah! Yeah, salt! Love the stuff. Ng? Uhh, eh? Yeah, uh-huh? んん? ああ うん?
Gladio: How did you manage to graduate? Listen properly until the end, okay~? 最後までちゃんと聞いとけよ

*Ch. 1 only

Prompto: So…you thinking to fairy tale Lady Lunafreya back to the Crown City? After ceremony, will you bring her to the Crown City? Lady Lunafreya. 式のあとは、王都にお連れするの?ルナフレーナ様
Noctis: Nah, no need to rush to happily ever after. Huh? I guess so. Not immediately though. あ?まあな。すぐじゃねえけど
Prompto: Wow. Still can’t believe you’re actually trying the knot, dude! How does it feel now that it’s finally happening? Wow. But Noct, you’re really get married, huh? Hey, how does it feel? おお?しかしノクトが結婚かあ. ねえ、実際のとこどんな心境?
Noctis: Fine, I guess? Just normal? べつに?
Prompto: C’mon, you can’t fool me. Any guy would be over the moon to marry her! C’mon, you can’t fool me. There’s no way you’re not happy, right? な、ごまかした 嬉しくないわけないよな
Noctis: No big deal. Want to replace me? / Nothing’s change. 代わるか
Prompto: Yeah, whatever. Yeah, right. またまた

*Ch. 2+

Prompto: Man, who knew Cor was such a badass? Marshall is really strong, huh. 将軍ってやっぱ強いんだね
Noctis: I’m just glad he’s on our side. Don’t want an enemy like him. 敵にしたくねーよな。

*Ch. 2+

Noctis: Ignis, how many royal arms are there? How many royal arms are there? 王様の剣って何本あるんだ
Ignis: As many as there have been kings, though not all will have survived to this day. As many as there have been kings, though not all will have survived to this day. (?) できだいようの数になるがげんそうしてるものがどれだけか。(?)
Prompto: It’s like a treasure hunt! It’s like a treasure hunt! 宝探し見たいだね

*Ch. 2+

Prompto: Doesn’t the power of kings wear you out? Are you tired after trying the King’s power? 王の力って使おうと疲れんの?
Noctis: Kinda. I feel groggy when I wake up in the morning. Yeah, somehow it’s harder to wake up in the morning. ああ、朝起きれねえ感じだし
Gladio: You could try going to bed at a decent hour. Isn’t that because you stay up late? そら夜更かしが原因だろ

*Ch. 3 only

Ignis: Noct, we should make haste for Lestallum. Noct, don’t you have to go to Lestallum soon? ノクト、早くレスタルムに行かなくていいのか?
Gladio: Yeah, don’t keep my sister waiting. Don’t make my little sister wait too long. オレの妹はあまり待たせるなよ

*Ch. 3 only

Prompto: So, what’s with the sweltering heat around here? Don’t you feel, somewhat heated around here? この辺、なんとなく熱くない?
Noctis: ??? Yeah, I think so too. ああ オレもそう思ってた
Ignis: ??? The meteor should be close, so maybe that’s the reason. 隕石がかなり近いはずだ その熱かもしれない

*Ch. 3+

Ignis: Iris is truly a caring soul. Iris is very caring as usual. イリスは相変わらず面倒見がいいな。
Noctis: Like you. No wonder you get along like wildfire. Yeah. Btw, you two often chat together since long time ago, huh? そうだな。そういや、お前ら昔からよく話してるよな
Ignis: We do have much in common. Like our tales of picking up after the prince. Oh yes, we’re usually excited when discussing about an unreliable prince. ああ、頼りない王子の話でよく盛り上がっているな。
Noctis: Glad I could be of service. Haa? What do you mean?! あ?どういう意味だよ。

*Ch. 3+ /after eating Lestallum’s Yakitori (?)

Noctis: ??? That yakitori in Lestallum was so yummy! レスタルムの焼き鳥うまかったな。
Ignis: ??? Yeah, shall we eat there again? ああ また食べに行くか
Prompto: ??? Huh, Ignis like that kind of food too? That’s kinda surprising. へえ イグニスもああいうの好きなの?以外
Ignis: ??? Because it’s delicious and cheap. Plus, it’s simple too.  うまくてやすくてお手軽なのはいいことだからな


・When Walking a Lot・

Noctis: Could use a break. I’m a bit tired. ちょっと疲れてきた
Gladio: Wuss. Ha, weaklings. 軟弱者
Ignis: We have walked a good while. Maybe because we’ve walk all day… ずっと歩いてきたからな

Prompto: My feet hurt. My feet hurt. 足痛くなってきた
Gladio: Wuss. Ha, weaklings. 軟弱者

Ignis: You look a bit out of sorts, Noct. Your face looks tired, Noct. 顔が疲れてるぞ ノクト
Gladio: You need to take better care of yourself. Can you at least manage your own health? 体調くらいきちっと自己管理しろ?
Noctis: Thought that’s what you two were for. I know I’m tired. No need to make a big fuss of it!  わかってることいちいち言うな

Prompto: ??? How much more we’ll do this? どこまで続いてんだろ
Noctis: ??? And running makes it worse. 走ってんのがツラくなってくるな
Gladio: ??? Doesn’t it feel nice? 気分いいじゃねえか

Prompto: ??? I hate walking… 歩くのやだなあ
Noctis: ??? Then, run? じゃ走れよ
Prompto: ??? That’s even worse…! それもっとやだなあ

Prompto: I want to ride my chocobo all day ♪ Mmm, I want to ride chocobo! んんん、チョコボ乗りて
Ignis: Sigh… Yeah. ああ
Prompto: Can’t get it out of my head! We’re riding on foot right now. 今靴に流したね (?)

Prompto: I think I got a pebble in my shoe. I have sands in my shoes. 靴の中砂入ってる
Noctis: Take it out. Take them out then. じゃあ取れよ
Prompto: Yeah. Mhm. うん

Prompto: ??? Ah, yuck! あっ ヤなカンジ
Ignis: ??? What’s wrong? どうした?
Prompto: ??? There’s something stuck to my shoe sole. クツの裏、何かついてる

Gladio: I’m starving. I’m starving. はらへった
Prompto: Are we there yet? Is our destination still far away? まだ目的地に着かないのか

・When Dirty・

Prompto: Could really use a bath. Aah, I want to take a bath…! ああ風呂入りたい
Noctis: Yeah. Yeah. だな

Ignis: I could do with a bath. I really yearn for a nice bath… 風呂が恋しいな
Gladio: Well, about time we found a place to hole up. Eh right. I hope we can stay in someplace tonight. だな そろそろ泊まれる場所が欲しい
Prompto: Oh yeah, we better. Wouldn’t want Ignis to feel “unkempt.” Agreed! But Ignis, you really care about your cleanliness, huh? おお しかしイグニスは綺麗好きだね
Ignis: You take pride in your poor hygiene? It would be weird if not. 気にならない方がおかしい

Ignis: Noct, there’s something on your face. You really could do with a bath for hygiene’s sake Noct, your face is very dirty. If not cleaned properly, you will have a pimple. ノクト、顔が汚れている。洗て清潔にしないと面皰になるぞ
Noctis: Heads up: you could probably use one, too. Hey, you’re just as dirty as me! オマエだって汚えーだろうが


・In a Certain Place・

*Hammerhead (upon leaving)

Prompto: She’s out of my league, but we have so much in common… She’s so beautiful and our hobbies are also the same. It feels nice. 美人だし趣味もあうっていいよね
Gladio: Who’s the lucky imaginary lady? Who’s you imagining with this time? こんどうは誰との妄想だ
Prompto: When all this is over, I’m gonna visit her in Hammerhead. When everything is over, I want to go to Hammerhead. もうようもなくハッマヘッド行きたいオレ

*Hammerhead (upon leaving)

Prompto: You reckon Cindy’s taken? I wonder if Cidney has a boyfriend. シドニーって彼氏いるのかな
Gladio: Don’t think so. I don’t think so. いないと思うぜ
Noctis: And you’d know. How do you know? なんでお前が分かるんだよ?
Gladio: Not exactly hard to tell. A guard like hers doesn’t come down easily. It’s easy to find out from first glance. She has pretty strong defense. 見りゃ分かるだろう?あれはなかなかガードが硬いと思うぜ
Prompto: Even to a Casanova like you? Not even Mr. Gladio can break it? グラディオさんでも手を焼くんです?
Gladio: Curious as I am to see, my priority’s keeping His Highness safe. Hmm I dunno. Right now I have a prince in my priority. どうだろうな。今は王子のおもりが優先だからな

*Hammerhead (upon leaving)

Prompto: Anybody else excited for the next time our car breaks down? I believe Hammerhead will prosper in business. (?) ハンマーヘッドって絶対はんじょうするよね
Noctis: Are you really that desperate? You mean that way? それそういう意味で
Prompto: Yep. I really am. Yep, I mean that. そういう意味で


Gladio: The women here are built. All the women here are tough. ここの女性はみんなたくまし体つきだ

*Lestallum & Altissia

Prompto: Everyone here’s so stylish, and we’re stuck in drab old black. Ohh, everyone looks so stylish. We’re just flat black. へえ みんな服オシャレだよね. オレら真っ黒だけど
Gladio: Why not try wearing your official Lucian battle gear with pride? Hey, these are special Lucis battle uniform. おい ルシスの誇り高き戦闘服だぞ
Ignis: You might even become a real trendsetter around here. There are so many cultures in the whole world. It’s very interesting. 世界には いろいろな文化があって面白いな

*Wiz Chocobo Post (upon leaving)

Ignis: You’ll observe the eccentric behavior. Something changed a lot. 変わったものが多いな
Gladio: I’m sensing some aggression. And pretty severe. なかなかこってるぜ
Noctis: The chocobos, right? Yeah, the chocobo, right? ああ、チョコボな

*in Wilderness

Gladio: Nothing like nature in the middle of nowhere. It feels great to live in nature. 大自然ってのは気分が上がるな

*in Forest

Prompto: This area’s swarming with bugs. I don’t like here, too many bugs… この辺虫が多くて嫌だな
Gladio: Wuss. Ha, weaklings. 軟弱者

*In the Water (Sea, River / wait until animation occurs)

Prompto: Refreshing swim? Playing in the water? 水遊び?
Noctis: Just a dip. Sorta. まあな

*Diner/Restaurant (Eat new dish)

Ignis: I daresay I could make this at camp. I think I can make this myself. これなら再現できそうだな

*in Wilderness (Find new recipe/ingredients)

Ignis: That’s it. I see. そうか
Prompto: What’s what? What is it? どうしたの?
Gladio: What’s up, Iggy? What is it, Ignis? どうした、イグニス?
Ignis: I’ve come up with a new recipe. I’ve an idea for a new recipe. 新しいレシピを思いついたぞ
Noctis: Can’t wait to try it. Well well, can’t wait to try it. へー、楽しみだな。
Gladio: I could taste test for ya. Why, this is something I can’t wait. こりゃ楽しみだな

*in Wilderness (Mine rocks)

Noctis: Wow, the color’s amazing. Ohh, they have beautiful colors. へえ 奇麗な色してんな
Prompto: Rock ‘n’ roll! Found a crystal! 鉱石 見っけ
Ignis: This wil make a fine paint. This wil make a fine paint. いい塗料をなりそうだな

*Near a town/gas station? 19:00

Noctis: Gas stations are the same wherever you go. Every gas station looks similar. スタンドってどこも同じ感じなんだな
Gladio: That one looks more like the gas station that time forgot. Similar, because they look like from older generation, don’t you think? 同じっつうか 旧世代の形だろ?アレ
Ignis: Would look a tad out of place in the Crown City. And we never seen a place like that before in the Capital. 王都では確かに見なかったしな
Prompto: Gotta love that smell though, right? But they have such nice atmosphere, right? あの空気がいいよね

*Near a fishing spot

Gladio: Hey, Noct. That looks like a fishing spot. Ohh! Noct, that looks like a fishing spot. おお ノクト そこで釣りできそうだぜ
Noctis: Serious? Serious? マジか
Ignis: This will be our first time fishing outside the Crown City. This will be our first time, fishing outside the Crown City. 王都の外では初めての釣りになるな
Prompto: Wonder what you can catch out here. Wonder what kind of fish in here. どんな魚がいるのかな?
Noctis: Only one way to find out. Well, we’ll find that out. ま、ちってみりゃは分かんだろう

*Near a fishing spot

Noctis: The fishing looks good here. What should I fish here? ここなんの釣りかな

・Private Talks between Bros・

Noctis: So, what’s your plan if your glasses break? Hey, do you know where you can buy your glasses out here? なあ、眼鏡って外で買えんのか?
Ignis: I’ve got another pair, just in case. Don’t worry. I’ve got a spare. 心配いらない、予備もある。
Prompto: The man always has a plan. Heh, as expected of Ignis. は!さすがだね

Prompto: ??? What’s your dream as a kid, Ignis? イグニスってさ 子供の頃の夢なんだったの
Ignis: ??? My dream as a kid is── 子供の頃の夢か ──
Prompto: ??? Eh? Ahh, looks like you don’t have one, huh. え? ああ パッとは出てこない感じね

Prompto: If you could be reborn as anything, what would you be? If you could be reborn, who do you want to be? 生まれ変わったら何になりたい?
Gladio: Easy. I’d want to be me. Huh? Become myself is enough for me. うん? オレはオレでいい
Prompto: Oh, what a great answer. Ooh, that sounds cool. ああかっこいいね
Gladio: I know. I know, right? だろ

Noctis: You never stop snappin’ away, do you? Come to think of it, you always take pictures. そういや いつも写真撮ってんのな
Prompto: Nope. These shots of you will sell for a pretty gil. Ng? Because I’m selling Prince Noctis’ portraits, and it’s profitable. ん? ノクティス様プロマイドを売って 一儲け
Noctis: Who’s gonna buy ’em? What? Who would buy that? はあ? 誰が買うんだよ
Prompto: There’s bound to be some suckers out there. If not, well, I’ll still have the memories. Somebody who wants it, of course. Besides, these photos are my memories and I love them. ええ 欲しい人いるでしょ? まあ 写真って思い出になるしさ オレは好き

Ignis: Noct, your shirt button is coming loose. Noct, did you lose a button on your jacket? ノクト 上着のボタンが取れかけてないか?
Noctis: Meh, it’s no big deal. Huh, really? Eh, it’s fine. ああ そうか? まあ問題ねーよ
Ignis: Yes, it is—we can’t have an unkempt prince. I shall mend it at camp. Sigh… Give it to me later. I’ll see if… あとで貸してみろ 身だしなみには ー
Noctis: Don’t worry. I’ll do it myself. I said it’s fine! I’ll do it myself. いいって別に 自分でやるし
Ignis: Very well. But don’t forget. Alright. Don’t forget! ならいい 忘れるなよ
Ignis: ??? Noct, seems you haven’t repair your jacket. Any reason? ノクト ボタンが直ってないようだが?
Noctis: ??? Crap! I totally forgot! (whisper) ああ 完全に忘れてた!
Ignis: ??? When we return to hotel, give it to me. Understood? 宿に行ったら貸せ わかったな
Noctis: ??? …yes. ー はい

Prompto: ??? That car, I wanna try riding it— あの車、乗ってみたいなー
Noctis: ??? Oh.. へぇえ

Prompto: Man, my arms are killing me! Ouch, my arms hurt. って、腕いって
Noctis: Do I dare ask why? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? なんで? 怪我か?
Prompto: Oh, y’know. Just been pumping some iron, getting’ them gains. No, I did some muscle training, so my muscles hurt… いや 筋トレしたら 筋肉痛でさ
Noctis: Yeah, I think this group’s only got room for one musclehead. Whaat?! You did muscle training?! はあ? 筋トレとか してんのかよ
Prompto: Then Gladio better step aside ’cause these guns shoot to kill. Hehe, just a bit…hey! Don’t give me that shocked look! へへ ちょっとねーって 驚きすぎでしょ


・Talks about Food & Drinks・

Prompto: Dinner tonight – what are we thinking? Noct, what do you want for today’s dinner? ノクト 夕飯何か考えてる?
Noctis: Meh, something edible, I guess. Hmmm, anything is fine as long as it’s edible. うーん 食えればなんでも
Prompto: Really? you guess? You’re such a bore! つまんないなもう

Prompto: ??? A~ah, I want to eat delicious food in a restaurant. あぁ~、いい店で美味い料理食いたい
Gladio: ??? What a crybaby, you can find decent food in the wild. 軟弱者、外だってがっつり食えんだろ
Prompto: ??? I don’t want to live like a barbarian! 俺野蛮なの目指してないから

Prompto: Ignis’s cooking really is a class above. Hey, don’t you think Ignis cuisine is even better than restaurants? あのさ イグニスの料理って店より豪華だよね
Noctis: You reckon? Maybe? かもな
Prompto: What, you don’t think so? It definitely is! 絶対そうだって
Noctis: Seems pretty normal to me. He always cook like that for a long time. 昔からあんなだったしな
Prompto: To royalty, maybe. To us plebs it’s anything but. I see! So this is what they called the difference between commoner & royalty. ああこれが庶民と王族の格差ってやつね

Prompto: ??? Those fish meal yesterday, was very delicious. 昨日の魚 あれうまかったよ
Ignis: ??? Yes, because we have some fresh fish. ああ 新鮮なさかながあったからな
Noctis: ??? I’ll have to do more fishing! もっと釣りにいかねえよな
Prompto: ??? That’s some kind of fishing enthusiasm. その釣りにかける熱意なんなの


Gladio: I could really chug one back right now. I really want to have a drink right now. ぱあと飲みてーとこだが
Ignis: ??? Shall we buy some too? 買い足しておくか


・Talks about Sleeping・


Noctis: (groan) (groan) (短く唸る)
Prompto: Woke up on the wrong side of the bed again, huh? His mood looks really bad in the morning. (whisper) やっぱ朝はご機嫌ななめだね
Gladio: Well, a cup of Ebony will wake him up. Maybe he needs a cup of bitter Ebony. (whisper) 苦いエボニーでも飲ますか
Ignis: We mustn’t deplete the stock! Forget that. You’ll waste it. やめてくれ 無駄になる
Gladio: You really love that stuff, don’t you. You sure do like Ebony. 本気でエボニー好きなのな

Prompto: Couldn’t sleep at all last night, but then I had the weirdest dream. Yesterday, I couldn’t sleep well. I think I have a nightmare. 昨日は寝苦しくてさ なんかイヤな夢も見ちゃったよ
Noctis: Never knew you to be a dreamer. You said you rarely have dreams. めったに夢見ないって言ってたよな
Prompto: Always wake up before I can remember anything. Yeah. Maybe I wake up earlier before having one. うん。見る前に起きるみたい
Noctis: What I wouldn’t give for that. I’m jealous to people who can wake up easily. 目覚め良いのは羨ましいわ
Prompto: You are a pretty deep sleeper…like under the ground deep. Noct, it’s because you sleep too long almost like you’re dead. ノクトって延々死んだように寝るもんね

Noctis: ??? I really want to stay in a hotel tonight. さすがに今日は宿に泊まりたいな
Prompto: ??? Yeah, with some roof and fluffy beds. うん屋根とベッドがほしいね
Ignis: ??? We’ve been camping for far too long… 野営続きだったしな

*After staying in hotel

Noctis: ??? It was worth the money. カネ出すってやっぱ意味あるわ。
Gladio: ??? Yeah, that was a good night sleep. よく眠れたぜ。
Ignis: ??? Sleeping surrounded by walls really makes us feel safe, huh… 壁に囲まれるだけで安心感が違うな。

*Not sleeping for days

Ignis: ??? Btw, I’ve lost my perception of time. しかし、時間の概念が薄れるな
Prompto: ??? Maybe we don’t need clock anymore. 時計、必要ないね
