Chapter 10: The Heart of a King

⊕The Scourge of the Stars

星の病の蔓延 / The Growth of Star Corruption


「…これさ テネブラエにも寄るんだよね •その前に カルタナティカの駅に降りる •…ほんとに寄れるの? •傷は落ち着いた •視力だって いずれ ー •おまえ 何様だよ •あ? •テネブラエには寄らねえぞ •いい加減 切り替えらんねえのか •切り替えたから乗ってんだろうが •切り替えたヤツが 今いちばん大変なあいつに声のひとつもかけらんねえのか •放せよ •指輪はどうした?大事に持って歩くだけか? •命と引き換えに届けられたもんを眺めてるだけで責任を果たせんのか •んなこと わかってんだよ •わかってねえイグニスはなんのために傷を負った •やめろ グラディオ •どこの世界にこんなだらしねえ王様がいる… •てめえ •やめなよ ー •全部わかってんだよ 全部 •だったら腹くくれ この大バカ野郎 •ノクト •ほっとけ」
Prompto: So…we’re gonna roll through Tenebrae. …so now, we’ll go to Tenebrae, right…?
Ignis: Not before visiting the royal tomb in Cartanica. We will visit Cartanica Station before that.
Prompto: You’re sure you’re up to that? …you really mean to go?
Ignis: The wounds have mended. The wounds have mended.
Eyesight’s a matter of time. As my eyesight, somehow…
Gladio: The hell is wrong with you? Who do you think you are?
Noctis: What? What?
Gladio: We’re not stopping in Tenebrae. We’re not stopping in Tenebrae.
You need to grow up and get over it. Can’t you get over it and change yourself?
Noctis: I am over it. I’m here, aren’t I!? I am! That’s why I board this train!
Gladio: Maybe when you’re not too busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you. No, you haven’t! You don’t even say a word to someone who’s most in trouble right now.
Noctis: Let go of me. Let go.
Gladio: How’s that ring fit ya? You’d rather carry it around than wear it? What about the ring? Just carry it around in your possession?
She gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself. That was given to you in exchange for a life. Do you think just gazing on it can accomplish your duty?
Noctis: You don’t think I know that!? I already know that!
Gladio: You don’t! Ignis took one for you too, and for what!? You don’t! Ignis is wounded, and for what!?
Ignis: Enough, Gladio! Please stop, Gladio!
Gladio: You think you’re a king, but you’re a coward. Tsk, there’s no such SLOPPY king like you in this whole world…
Noctis: Shut up! YOU..!!
Prompto: Don’t do this—! No, stop—!
Noctis: I get it, alright!? I get it! I understand everything, alright! EVERYTHING!
Gladio: Then get a grip! Pull your head outta your ass already! Then deal with it!! You IDIOT jerk!!
Prompto: Noct! Noct!
Gladio: Leave him. Leave him!!


「メガネかけても ダメ •王の墓所ってまた危険な場所なんじゃない? •お墓あるんなら寄んないといけないけどさ •お墓はもう次の駅か。皆でいけんかな? •カルタニカではどこにある •黒い服のおにいちゃんたち 怖い •こら 人を悪く言うもんじゃない •”神凪ルナフレーナ様 ご逝去水神召喚の儀式の最中 ルナフレーナ様は帝国の砲撃に巻き込まれ海中に沈み 逝去された儀式に同席していたルシスのノクティス王子の方は長らく意識不明の重体なったいたが奇跡的に回復の兆しを見せ 現在は療養中のこと” •”ーレイヴス将軍は討伐作戦の責を問われ処刑されると発表しました ” •レイヴス将軍は調印式の襲撃事件後に将軍へ就任巨神討伐作戦を指揮した後 •ルシス駐屯軍を率いてルシス国内の治安回復に努めていました •しかし 水神討伐作戦では帝国軍の飛空挺を含む 多数の兵器と兵を失い ー •大きな損害が生じました ー” •”ー アコルド政府は儀式後に起きた大災害を「水神の怒り」として 伝え残したいと説明しました” •”ーノクティス陛下がご無事だったことについてアコルド政府は大変嬉しく思っています •災害は非常に大きなものでした街の立て直しには時間がかかるでしょう ですが ー •被害がこの程度で済んだのは お二人の助けがあったからだということを 忘れてはなりません” •”カメリア首相はそのほかに依然として行方不明であるルナフレーナ様の捜索に •全力を注いでいくと述べました ー”」
Prompto: Do the glasses help at all? Do the glasses help at all?
Prompto: I hope at least one ancestor of yours had the sense to build his tomb somewhere safe. The king’s tomb will be in dangerous place again, right?
Prompto: If there’s a tomb here, you bet we’ll be raiding it. If there’s a tomb here, I guess we have to after it.
Prompto: The tomb is just a station away. You think we’ll be okay—all of us? The tomb is just a station away. You think we’ll be okay—all of us?
Ignis: We’ll be on foot in Cartanica. It’s somewhere in Cartanica.
Grandchild: Those men in black are spooking me out… Those big brothers in black are scary…
Grandfather: Shhh. Don’t talk about others. Shhh. Don’t talk about others.
Paper: The Passing of the Oracle.
The Oracle, Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae, lost her life when her summoning of the Hydraean went terribly awry.
Lady Lunafreya was swept under the Altissian waves alongside her fiance, Crown Prince Noctis of Lucis.
Despite falling unconcious for several days, the prince made a miraculous recovery and is currently being treated.
The passing of the Oracle, Lady Lunafreya.
While summoning the Hydraean, Lady Lunafreya was swallowed in Empire’s bombing. She sank into the sea and died.
Prince of Lucis was also present in the ritual site. He had been in critical unconscious state for a long time, but he began to show signs of miraculous recovery. Right now, he’s still under medical care.
Newscaster: High Commander Fleuret has been deemed accountable for Altissia’s tragedy and sentenced to execution. —News about General Ravus who has been sentenced to death due to the suppression attack he led, now has been announced to the public.
Lord Ravus Nox Fleuret was promoted to the imperial army’s top post amid the turmoil of the failed peace talks. General Ravus was appointed general after the raid during signing ceremony. After he commanded suppression attack on Archaean,…
The high commander’s primary responsibility was restoring stability to Lucis. …he led Lucis Stationing Troops to maintain security in Lucis.
Yet his campaign against the Hydraean ended in disaster, incurring monumental losses for the empire… However, his strategy on Hydraean using Imperial’s airborne caused countless losses of soldiers and weapons…
…and collateral damage to the area. …and also major damage—
Newscaster: In the wake of the Tidemother’s wrath, the government of Accordo has declared a state of national emergency. Accordo Government will now explain the major damage that occurred after the Ritual or so-called “Hydraean’s Wrath”:
Camelia: On behalf of the nation, I would like to express our relief that King Noctis has survived. The Government of Accordo are very pleased to hear that King Noctis is safe.
The towering waves that swept over Altissia left great destruction in their wake. It will take time to rebuild our lives. It was unusually large disaster and it will take time to rebuild the town, however…
That said, the damage done to our fair capital would have been far more severe were it not for the aid of the king and the Oracle. we know that more damages was prevented thanks to the aid of two people, and we will never forget their contribution.
Newscaster: First Secretary Claustra also predged the government would continue its search for Lady Lunafreya, Prime Minister Camelia has now searching for missing Lady Lunafreya…
whose current whereabouts remain unknown. …using all her effort as previously reported.


「このどっかに王の墓があるはず •王子、そろそろ駅に着いたころか? •ああ、ちょうど今王の墓探している最中 •それなら ケスティーノ鉱山の奥にある •駅から鉱山に向かうエレベーターがあるはずだそこから向かえ •わかった •くれぐれも気をつけろ •は? •なんだよ意味深に  •エレベーターで降りた先鉱山なんだって •お墓ってその先なのかな •二人は食堂に行ったよ. あれ 列車ホテルっていうんだって •そろそろ行くのか •”・イグニスを連れて行く・連れて行かない” •自分でなんとかする •気を遣わないでくれ •ここか 鉱山は •奥に王家の墓があるはずだ •安全に 中 入れるかな •この辺りの野獣とは馴染みもないもし戦うなら気をつけよう •うん わかった •足場 悪いぞ 転ぶなよ •ああ 気をつける •キツかったら待っててもいいからね」
Noctis: One stop closer to finding the next tomb… Should be a King Tomb somewhere around here…
I take it you’ve arrived safely, Highness? Prince, have you arrived at the station?
Noctis: Yeah. Now I’ve just gotta find out where this royal tomb is. Yeah, I’m just here. Now I’m looking for the grave.
Cor: Look no further than the Fodina Caestino. Then, you should look inside Caestino Mine.
There should be an elevator leading down to the quarry from the station. There should be an elevator leading down to the quarry from the station.
Noctis: Roger. Got it.
Cor: Good luck— and hold your nose. Please, be careful.
Noctis: What? Huh?
Thanks for the advice, I guess? What does he mean…?
Prompto: There’s an elevator that should take us straight down to the mine. There’s an elevator that should take us straight down to the mine.
Wonder if the tomb’s inside. Wonder if the tomb’s inside.
Those two went to grab a bite in that glorified dining car they call a restaurant. Those two went to cafeteria. That so-called Train Hotel.

⊕ Proceed to Elevator


Ignis: Ready to set out? Ready to set out?
・Take Ignis along
・Leave Ignis behind
・Take Ignis along
・Leave Ignis behind
Ignis: I’ll manage somehow. I’ll manage by myself.
Ignis: Don’t worry about me. Please don’t mind me.

⊕ In the Quarry

Gladio: Well, we made it to the quarry. Is this the quarry?
Ignis: But our destination likely lies deeper inside. Royal Family Tomb should be here inside.
Prompto: Feeling a little out of my element. Is it safe… to go deeper?
Ignis: We’re a foreign species in this environment. Mind we don’t end up prey. We’re not familiar with monsters around here. If you need to fight, please be careful.
Noctis: Right, good tip. OK, understood.
Gladio: Footing’s bad. Watch your step. Footing’s bad. Watch your step…
Ignis: As best I can. Yeah, I’ll be careful.
Prompto: Go at your own pace. We’ll wait. Go at your own pace. We’ll wait.


⊕ Leaving Ignis 1
Gladio: Is it too much to ask the royal procession sticks together? Hey, Your Majesty. Can’t you control your own speed? おい 王様 後の速さに気を配れよ
Noctis: Too much to ask you to shut it? Shut up. I get it, alright. うるせーな わかってるよ
⊕ Leaving Ignis 2
Gladio: Don’t run ahead. Don’t leave us. ひとりで進むな
⊕ Leaving Ignis 3
Gladio: Slow down. Don’t run. 走んなよ
⊕ Leaving Ignis 4
Gladio: Going it alone, eh? You want traveling alone? ひとりで旅してんのか?
⊕ Leaving Ignis 5
Prompto: Hey, Noct! Wait up! Noct, wait for us! ノクト ちょっと待って
⊕ Leaving Ignis 6
Gladio: ??? Tsk, you’re going too far ahead. ったく 先に行きすぎだ
⊕ Leaving Ignis 7
Gladio: ??? Be more considerate. ちったぁ気遣えって
⊕ Leaving Ignis 8
Gladio: ??? Hey, wait a bit, Your Majesty. おい ちょっと待て王様
⊕ Leaving Ignis 9
Prompto: Hey, buddy. Could you try to stick together? Noct, can you just walk a little slower? ノクト、もう少しゆっくり歩いてくんない?

⊕ Hit Ignis 1
Gladio: Hey! Don’t you think you’ve hurt Iggy enough already? Hey! You tried to hit Ignis? It’s not funny! おい イグニスに当たるだろうが冗談でも許さねえぞ
Noctis: Sorry… Sorry… 悪かった
Gladio: ??? Hmph. ふん
⊕ Hit Ignis 2
Prompto: Whoa, what’d Ignis do to you!? Wait, what did you do to Ignis?! ちょ、イグニスなにしてんだよ!
Noctis: My bad. My bad. わりい
Prompto: Not just bad, dude—really bad. You should know what is right and wrong to do! していいことと 悪いことくらい分かるよね!
⊕ Hit Ignis 3
Noctis: Didn’t mean to… (Gasp!) I’m sorry…! あっ すまない!
⊕ Hit Ignis 4
Noctis: Ignis… Sorry! ごめん!

⊕ Depressing Battle 1 (enemy found)
Gladio: Keep an eye on Iggy. Hey, about Ignis— おい イグニスのこと ー
Prompto: I’ll keep both on him! Sure, I’ll keep him safe. うん オレがフォローする
Gladio: That’ll do. I’m counting on you. 頼んだぜ
⊕ Depressing Battle 2 (start battle)
Gladio: Watch out, Iggy, they’re on top of us. The enemies are close. Ignis, be careful. 敵が近いな イグニス 気ぃつけろよ
Ignis: Ah, thank you. Right. I’m sorry. ああ すまない
Gladio: Don’t thank me yet. Don’t apologize! 誤んじゃねえよ
⊕ Depressing Battle 3 (start battle in front of machine)
Gladio: No way to work the machine with that thing in the way. If we don’t get rid of them, we can’t fix the machine. 倒しちまわねえとゆっくり機械もいじれねえな
Prompto: Then we take it out! We have no choice. 戦うしかないね
⊕ Depressing Battle 4
Ignis: Prompto… Where’s the enemy? Prompto… Where’s the enemy? プロンプト敵はどこだ?
Prompto: Don’t worry, Ignis. We got this. Ignis, it’s fine. You don’t need to fight. イグニスは戦わなくていいからさ
⊕ Depressing Battle 5
Prompto: Should be able to handle this. Right? Should be able to handle this. Right? これならまだ行けるか
⊕ Depressing Battle 6 (using magic)
Gladio: ??? Noct, what if you hit Ignis too?! ノクト イグニスに当たったらどうすんだ
⊕ Depressing Battle 7 (using magic)
Gladio: ??? If you want to use magic, tell us first. 魔法使うなら先に言え
⊕ Depressing Battle 8 (Ignis falls)
Prompto: ??? Ignis! イグニス!
Ignis: ??? I’m so sorry, Prompto. すまないプロンプト
Prompto: ??? Please don’t say that! 何言ってんだよ
⊕ Depressing Battle 9 (Ignis falls)
Ignis: ??? Uh… I’m sorry…! すまない
Gladio: ??? You don’t need to apologize… 謝罪なんていらねえよ
⊕ Depressing Battle 10 (Ignis falls)
Ignis: ??? Curses… these eyes—— くそっ この目さえ——
⊕ Depressing Battle 11 (Prompto falls)
Noctis: ??? Prompto! プロンプト!
Prompto: ??? Thanks, Noct… ありがとう ノクト
⊕ Depressing Battle 12 (Noct falls; Ignis RESCUED him)
Ignis: ??? Ugh… I can’t do more… くっ これくらいは役に立たないとな
Noctis: ??? Don’t force yourself… 無理すんなよ
⊕ Depressing Battle 13 (Noct falls)
Gladio: ??? Is this how you deal with yourself? おまえの覚悟はこんなもんか?
Noctis: ??? It’s not! 違う!
⊕ Depressing Battle 14 (end battle)
Prompto: Glad that’s over! Alright, done. よし 終わり
Ignis: I only wish I could do more. I’m… so useless. あまり役立てなかったな
Gladio: You staying alive is enough. You don’t need to force it. 無理に動かれるよりゃいい
⊕ Depressing Battle 15 (end battle)
Ignis: It’s proving a challenge. That wasn’t too good… うまくいかないな
Gladio: What did you expect? We don’t have much choice… 仕方ねえだろ
Ignis: ??? You’re right… ああ
⊕ Depressing Battle 16 (end battle)
Gladio: Hurry up. Ain’t got time to waste. Hurry up. We don’t want to waste time in battles. 急げ 無駄に戦いたくねえ
Noctis: Think I don’t know that? I get it. わかってるよ
⊕ Depressing Battle 17 (end battle)
Noctis: Hey, you should hang back. You should stay back. あんまり前に出んなよ
Ignis: Was I in the way? Was I in the way…? 何か邪魔をしたか
Noctis: No, you weren’t. It’s just— No, what I mean is… Sigh— いや そーいうんじゃなく ー
⊕ Depressing Battle 18 (end battle)
Prompto: These tombs are always in the darndest places. It’s always in dangerous place. 今回も大変な場所だね
Gladio: Glad you’re taking this seriously. Don’t be reckless. そんなのんきに構えんな
⊕ Depressing Battle 19 (end battle-summon)
Noctis: ??? So tired… 疲れた
⊕ Depressing Battle 20 (end battle)
Ignis: ??? Let’s move on. 先に進もう

⊕ Miserable Chat 1
Ignis: Prompto, perhaps it’s time for some light. Prompto, can you put on some light? プロンプト ライトをつけなくていいのか?
Prompto: Yeah. How did you…? Ah, right. How did you know? そうだね わかるの?
Ignis: The hour is late. That much I can tell. It should be late already. At least, I can feel it. もう遅い時間だろう それくらいはわかる
Prompto: Oh, I see. That’s…good. I see… Ignis, you’re strong. そっか イグニスは強いね
⊕ Miserable Chat 2 (Camp)
Noctis: I’m exhausted. I’m so tired… (whisper) 疲れたな。。。
Prompto: Took more photos today. You…wanna see? …today’s photo, you… wanna take a quick look? …今日の写真 一応 見る?
Noctis: No, not really. No, I don’t feel like it… Sorry… いや そんな気分じゃない 悪い…
Prompto: Yeah. Of course. Yeah. Of course… うん そうだよね…
Prompto: We should get moving. You okay, Ignis? Alright, shall we go? Ignis, you okay? じゃ みんないこう イグニス大丈夫?
Ignis: I’m fine. Don’t mind me. Yeah, I’m fine. ああ 大丈夫だ
⊕ Miserable Chat 3 (random)
Gladio: Don’t push yourself Ignis. Don’t push yourself, Ignis. 無理すんなよ イグニス

⊕ Main Story


「墓はこの下か •イグニス足元  •ああ •なんだ こりゃあ •えっ これ進める? •道が塞がってんじゃねえか •工事の機械かな •機械なら どこかで動かせないか? •これでいけそうかも •動かせるか •これか? •おい 止まってんぞ •なんで •ええ こういう場合 ー •予備電源を起動してくださいって小屋にカギがあるらしいよ •小屋はどこいなるんだ? •さあ まだそれらしいやつ見てないよ •とりあえず行ったことないとこ探すか •あった あれだな? •あった このガギか •不用心だね 外に置きっぱなしなんて •予備電源はどこだ? •それもさっきの看板に書いてあったよ •じゃ行くか  •電源 ー •これだ 予備 •動くか? •やってみて コードは繋がってる •慎重にやれよ •いちいちうるせーな •成功か •よし あともうひとつ •は?発電機ってふたつもあんのかよ •でけえ機械だ それだけ馬力もいるってことだろ •はい 2つめ! •さっさとアレを動かすぞ. 電源が切れちゃあ 終わりだ •わかってるし •開いたか •そんな音がしたね •ああ •ひとまず行くぞ」
Gladio: Tomb must be down below. The tomb is down below, huh.
Prompto: Whoa. Careful, Ignis. Ignis, watch your step.
Ignis: Right. Right.
Gladio: They parked here? What’s that?
Prompto: Wish we could write ’em a ticket. Eh, can we go further?
Gladio: Nothing but a giant roadblock. It’s blocking our way.
Prompto: Ironic for a vehicle. I think it’s a machine for construction.
Ignis: If we get its motor running, perhaps we can move it out of the way. If it’s some kind of machine, maybe we can make it move?
Prompto: This looks promising! This looks promising!
Ignis: Is it operational? Can you operate it?
Noctis: We’ll see. This one?
Gladio: Hey. What’re you stopping for? Hey, it stopped.
Noctis: I’m not. Why?
Prompto: Let’s see here… Umm, in this situation—
“In case of power failure, use backup generators.” There’s a key in the shed! “Please use generator to startup the engine”…Looks like the key is in a cabin.
Gladio: So where is this shed? So where is this cabin?
Prompto: Well, if we knew where it was, we wouldn’t be looking. Dunno, I haven’t seen something like that.
Noctis: Which means it’s gotta be somewhere we haven’t looked yet. Which means it’s gotta be somewhere we haven’t looked yet.
Noctis: Found it. Up there. Found it. That’s the shack, right?
Here— I found the key. Oh, is this the key?
Prompto: Pretty irresponsible to leave it out in the open like that. Pretty irresponsible to leave it out in the open like that.
Ignis: Where is the generator? Where is the generator?
Prompto: Didn’t ya read the sign, Iggy? It was written on the signboard before.
Noctis: …Not funny. Then let’s go.
Noctis: Where is it? Electric…
Prompto: Riiight here! …Generator. This is it!
Ignis: How does it look? Is it still working?
Prompto: She’s wired and ready. Give it a go! Let’s try it. The cables seem ready too.
Gladio: And don’t blow it up. Do it carefully.
Noctis: Thanks for the advice. I know, I know.
Ignis: Did it work? Did it work?
Prompto: Yep! One more to go. Yep! One more to go.
Noctis: Seriously? Since when are there two of them? What? There are two generators?
Gladio: Can it. Let’s just get this thing moving so we can get on with our mission. It’s a big machine. Means it needs more horsepowers.
Prompto: We’ve got the power! Alright, that’s two!
Gladio: Might not have it for long, though. Hurry up and move the machine. Hurry up and move the machine. We can’t lose the power.
Noctis: Yes, sir. Yeah, I know.
Noctis: Did you hear that? Did it work?
Prompto: Sounds like we’re clear! Sounds like it.
Ignis: Grand. Yeah.
Gladio: Then let’s move. Then let’s move.


「おい ー このまま行って王の墓に入れんのか •なんだよ •顔向けができんのか 歴代の王に •ー いや そもそもおまえ 旅を続けられんのか •”・やめたい・続けたい” •やめたいとも思ってるよ •この先も 王様優先でどんどん 犠牲が出るかもしんねーだろ オレはー•もういい 悪いな •さすがにー そいつは聞かなかったことにする •続けるよ •オレが何 言ったって続けなきゃなんねーんだろ 『王様』は •ああその通りだ だがな •わかってんなら ちったぁしっかりしろ! •開いてるな •おお うまくいってよかったね! •ああ •でかい洞窟 •墓所はまだ先か •待ってるか •簡単に言うんじゃねえよ •言ってねーし •ここ なんか臭う? •イグニス 滑んないようにね •ここのどこかに 王家の墓の入口があるはずなんだよね •ねえ アレ あそこの奥怪しくない? •何? これ •タマゴか •この後に何かありそうだけど」
Gladio: You sure you’re ready for this? You got what it takes? Hey, are you sure you want to find the tomb?
Noctis: To do what? What do you mean?
Gladio: To face your ancestors and convince them to lend you their strength. Got a long road ahead. Can you really face your ancestor?
Can you see this through? To the end? —No, to begin with, do you really want to continue this journey?
・Show frustration
・Show resolve
・I want to quit
・I want to continue
(Alt. 1)
As if I have a choice! I’m thinking of ending it all.
You think I like the idea of people sacrificing themselves for me, one after the other? There will be more and more sacrifices just for the King, and I— 
Gladio: Enough. Forget it. Enough… It’s my fault.
I thought you’d accepted your duty. I thought wrong. I… should never have asked that.…
(Alt. 2)
Can and will. I will continue.
Whether I like it or not, I’ve got a duty to fulfill—as king. Whether I like it or not, I’ve got a duty to fulfill—as king.
Gladio: You’re damn right, you do. Yeah, you’re damn right. That’s why.
Then that means you’d better start taking this seriously. You better start taking this seriously!


Noctis: Good to go. It’s clear.
Prompto: We did it! Together! Ooh, I’m glad it works!
Gladio: Yeah. Yeah.
Prompto: This cave is huge! This cave is huge!
Ignis: The tomb’s further in? The tomb’s further in?
Noctis: You wanna wait here? You wanna wait here?
Gladio: Alone, here. You can’t simply said that.
Noctis: Not what I said. I didn’t.
Prompto: Man, something stinks around here. Something stinks?
Don’t slip and fall in whatever that is. Ignis, watch your steps.
Prompto: The royal tomb’s gotta be around here somewhere. The question is: “Where?” There should be a door for the King’s Tomb somewhere around here.
What about over there? Looks pretty tomb-y to me. Hey, don’t you think that spot seems a bit suspicious?
Prompto: What is this? What is this?
Gladio: I hate eggs. Eggs?
Prompto: Do we really wanna know what’s back there? I feel something is behind there.

⊕ Monster appears!


「ああ クチ? いや ー カオ!? •何が出てきた! •ヤベぇヤツ! •なんだこれ ヨダレかよ •うわあ子供子供 •蹴散らせ  •効いてねえぞ •どうすんの •なんも思いつかねーな •いや 何かあるはずだ •くそ あれを止めねーと •ノクト ひとつ 試させてくれ •効いたか? •効いてるっぽい •やるじゃねえか •これなら行けるか •やったか? •倒したよ イグニスのおかげだ •助かったぜ イグニス •ほんとにありがとう 死ぬかと思ったよ •いや •まったく王様は 言葉もねえのか •ほんとにうるせーな •素手で掃除はできねえぞ焼くしかねえだろ •おお 扉だ •こんなとこに墓 作んなよな」
Prompto: That looks like a mouth. Is that its face!? Argh! It’s a mouth! Wait, it’s a face?!
Ignis: What? What is it? What? What is it?
Noctis: Something real bad! Something real bad!
Gladio: I’m covered in drool! What the… It’s drooling!
Prompto: Whoa! Look who’s hatching! Whouaa, it got babies!
Gladio: Bust ’em up! Bust ’em up!
It’s useless. It’s not working!
Prompto: What do we do!? What do we do!?
Noctis: This might be a good time to panic. I can’t think of anything!
Ignis: No. There must be a way! No. There must be a way!
Noctis: Gotta shut that thing’s trap! Dammit, gotta stop that thing!
Ignis: Noct, I have an idea. If I may… Noct, let me try this once.


⊕ Boom!

Ignis: Ah, as I suspected! Is it working?
Prompto: It really worked! Yes, it is!
Gladio: Nice one, Iggy. Wow, nice job.
Ignis: Now, we’ve a fighting chance. We should be able to finish it.
Gladio: Is it dead? Is it dead?
Prompto: It is—and it’s all thanks to Iggy! It is—and it’s all thanks to Ignis.
Gladio: Iggy, you saved us. You saved us, Ignis.
Prompto: Seriously. We’d be plant food if it wasn’t for you. Thank you, really! I thought we’re done for.
Ignis: Happy to help. Please don’t mind that.
Gladio: What, no royal commendation from His Majesty? Not any word from His Majesty?
Noctis: None for you, at least. You’re really noisy, you know that?
⊕ The eggs?
Gladio: Whisking them just makes a mess—better fry ’em. Hard to clean it up using bare hands. Better fry them.
Prompto: I think we found it! Ooh, a door!
Noctis: Just wish they found a better place to build it. Can’t believe they built a tomb in this place.


「さっさと駅に戻ろうぜ •ああ 行こう •待ってくれ •うん? どうした •もういいだろう 揉めるやり取りだけが聞こえてくるのはイヤなものだ •目についてだが やはり見えないよくなる兆しもない •だがその上で ー •オレは旅を続けたい これまでと同じように •悪いが オレは反対だ. 何度も言うが 戦いの中じゃ命にかかわる •でも それはオレたちが ー •面倒みらんねえって話じゃねえよ •ー なら 決めるのはイグニスだろ •つって精神論じゃ片づけられねえぞ •わかってる •オレに合わせろなんて言わない. 追いつけないなら そのときは自分で諦める •…どうなんだ 王様は •ノクト 王とは ー •絶対に立ち止まってはならないものだ どんな犠牲が出ようとも 前に進み続けなければならない •グラディオ いまノクトに必要なのはそれを考える時間だ •わかったよ ー だが危険なことに変わりはねえ 気緩めんなよ」
Gladio: Alright, let’s haul ass. C’mon, let’s get back to the station.
Noctis: Yeah, let’s. Yeah, let’s.
Ignis: A moment? Please wait.
Gladio: Is everything okay? Hmm? What is it?


Ignis: It bloody well isn’t. And I won’t suffer this pointless bickering in silence any longer. Please, I’ve had enough. I can only hear disagreements and I can’t stand it any longer.
Let’s be frank. My vision hasn’t improved, and probably won’t. My eyes, as you all know, can’t see anything anymore.  And there’s no sign that they will improve.
Yet in spite of this… However, in spite of it…
I would remain with you all. Til the very end. I want to continue this journey, just like before. 
Gladio: Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death. Sorry, but I object. I’ve said it many times, war is a matter of life and death.
Prompto: But, we’ll be there! But, we’ll be there— !
Gladio: It’s not about us looking out for him! It’s not about us looking out for him!
Prompto: Uh-huh. Well, then he should be free to choose. — then, Ignis should be free to choose.
Gladio: There’s more to it than just what he wants! There’s more to it than just what he wants!
Ignis: I know full well! I know full well!!
I won’t ask you to slow down. If I can’t keep up, I will bow out. I won’t ask you to slow down! If I can’t keep up… I will give up on my own.
Noctis: What says “His Majesty”? …what says “His Majesty”?
Ignis: Noct, you are king. Noct… A king— 
One cannot lead by standing still. A king pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back. …must never stand still. Whatever sacrifices it takes, he must keep going forward.
Gladio, Noct will take his rightful place, but only once he’s ready. Gladio, Noct needs time to consider his place. That’s what he needs most for now.
Gladio: Have it your way. We’re still taking a big risk. I understand. There will be more danger to come. So, don’t slack off.


「…やっぱり テネブラエ 寄ってもいいか? •うん いいんじゃない •気になんならそうしろ •テネブラエか ルナフレーナ様の故郷だね •準備はいいか、ノクト? •さて、また列車の旅だな。次はテネブラエ •もうご乗車になりますか? •ああ 頼む •それでは中でお待ちください. 間もなく発車いたします •何かあったら言えよ •だね 隠すのはナシ ー •ああ 出発だ •ナシだとよ •わかってるさ •コケんなよ •立ち止まれねえって? •死なれたら困る •直球だな」
Noctis: You guys mind if we stop in Tenebrae? …so, I can stop in Tenebrae, right?
Prompto: Might as well hop off. Yep, why not?
Gladio: If it helps him move on. If it makes you feel better.
Prompto: I finally get to visit Lady Lunafreya’s home. Tenebrae, huh. It’s Lady Lunafreya’s birthplace, right?
Ignis: Ready to depart, Noct? Are you ready, Noct?
Gladio: Time to get our journey back on track. Next stop: Tenebrae. C’mon, it’s journey on track again. Next stop: Tenebrae.
St. Master All set for boarding? All set for boarding?
Noctis: Yeah, let’s roll. Yeah, thanks.
St. Master In that case, hop aboard. We’ll be leaving shortly. Then, please wait inside. We will be leaving shortly.


Noctis: We’re here for you. Tell me if anything happens.
Prompto: Yeah, let us help you. Right. No more secrets— 
And we’re off! Oops, time to go.
Gladio: Are we clear? As they said, alright?
Ignis: Crystal. Alright.
Noctis: Hey, watch your step. Hey, you mustn’t fall!
Gladio: You’re not “pushing onward”? Is this about “the king moves forward”?
Noctis: Not at his expense. I’ll be in trouble if he died.
(i.e. as sacrifice)
Gladio: Fair enough. You’re too straight…!

Continue to Chapter 11