Battle Start


Battle Start Start fighting normal enemies.
Strong Start fighting strong, high-leveled enemies.
specific Start fighting unique enemies, or in an unusual circumstances.
easy-battle Start fighting low-leveled enemies.

Battle Start.jpg

⊕ in 1-sentence; Compilation

Noctis: Last thing I need now. Ugh-, so lazy… あー、面倒い、、
Noctis: The hunt is on. Let’s go hunting! 一狩りいっとくか!
Noctis: This’ll be quick. Let’s clean it up. 片付けてやるか
Noctis: Ready for this? Let’s do it! やってやる
Noctis: Say your prayers. I’ll get rid of it… 消してやる…
Gladio: Let’s clean ’em up quick. Let’s clean up quickly. さっさと片付けようぜ
Gladio: ??? These are suited for me. こういうのは俺向きだな
Gladio: ??? What the heck are these? なんなんだこいつら
Gladio: No slacking. Let’s get serious. 本気出すか
Ignis: Let’s be done with this riffraff. Let’s finish it quickly. 手早くすませよう
Ignis: ??? Do it wisely. 大人しくしてもらおう
Ignis: Stay alert! Let’s do it. やるか
Ignis: Above us! Above us! 上か
Ignis: They’re persistent little devils, I’ll give them that, but I can be persistent too. ??? ???
Prompto: ??? I will do it when the time comes. 俺だってやる時はやるよ
Prompto: My hands are getting a little clammy. My hands are shaking! 手が震えてきたぁ
Prompto: Bring it on! Let’s do it… やるか…

⊕ Dialogs

Noctis: Last thing I need now. Ugh-, so lazy… あー、面倒い
Prompto: Eyes peeled, mouth closed. Don’t get careless, alright? 油断禁物ってね

Noctis: Wanna bash some heads in? Wanna go frenzy? じゃ、暴れるか
Gladio: You know it. I’m in. Nice, count me in. いいな、付き合うぜ
Prompto: Oooh! Head-bashing! Oh, me too-! 俺も俺もー!

Noctis: Let’s do this! Let’s do this! やろう
Gladio: ??? Yeah! おう
Ignis: Right. Right. ああ
Prompto: Okay. Okay. オケ

Noctis: Let’s go. Let’s go. 行くか
Ignis: Right. Right. ああ

Noctis: I’m going all out. I won’t hold back! 容赦しねぇぞ!
Gladio: Just don’t get too carried away. Just don’t get too carried away. 調子に乗りすぎんなよな
Noctis: You’re one to talk. You too! お前もな!

Gladio: Showtime. I’ll show you my power! 腕がなるぜ
Ignis: Let’s hope it’s not a tragedy. Good, if we need to escape, you can hold them up. 突っ走るときは一人で頼む
Gladio: Sure ain’t a comedy. Don’t ruining my mood… いちいち水差すんじゃねーよ

Gladio: ??? Don’t give them mercy. 容赦すんじゃねぇぜ
Noctis: ??? Right. よし

Gladio: Let’s move! Let’s go—! いくぞー
Noctis: Yeah. Yeah. ああ
Ignis: ??? Right. ああ
Prompto: Aw yeah! Uh-huh. うん

Gladio: Quick and easy. I’ll sweep them clean. 一掃するぞ
Noctis: Close it out, Gladio. I leave it to you then. 頼りにしてるぜ
Ignis: Perhaps. We’ll rely on you. 期待だな

Ignis: Won’t know what hit them. Shall we prepare? 覚悟してもらおうか
Prompto: Should be good practice! More practice! 練習練習!
Gladio: Might as well have fun. Yep, let’s do it. いっちょ やるか

Ignis: Any plan of attack? So, what to do? さて、どうする
Noctis: Plow right through ’em. Frontal attack. 正面突破
Ignis: I’ll circle around then. Hmm, I’ll attack from behind, then. ふん、後ろは任せろ

Ignis: Let me give the orders this time. I will give you instructions. 俺が指示をだそう
Noctis: Just keep it short. Make it quick. 短く頼む
Prompto: And simple. And don’t too complicated. 後難しい奴勘弁
Ignis: …Attack. Hhh… Attack… チッ…攻撃しろ…

Ignis: We haven’t got much time. In the name of expedience, I suggest we work together and take them all out. ??? ???
Noctis: I’m game. ??? ???
Prompto: And so am I! ??? ???

Ignis: Shall we? Shall we? やるぞ
Prompto: Okay. Okay. オケ
Noctis: Yeah. Yeah. あぁ
Gladio: ??? (no text) Ough! おお

Prompto: They won’t know what it ’em. Let’s finish it with swift attack! 速攻で終わらそ
Gladio: My hero! Sounds reliable. 頼もしいな

Prompto: ??? Let’s finish it with swift attack! 速効で終わらそ
Noctis: ??? I’m counting on you, Prompto. プロンプト、期待してるぞ

Prompto: Let’s finish this already! Let’s finish it with swift attack! 速攻で終わらそ
Ignis: ??? OK. ああ
Gladio: ??? (no text) Yeah. ああ

Prompto: How should we do this, Noct? Noct, give us instruction? ノクト、なんか指示ある?
Noctis: Just do whatever. Do what you think fit! 適当に頼む
Gladio: Not helpful. We don’t get it!! 分かんねーよ!!

Prompto: ??? I’ll lure the enemies and gather them together. Use your magic! 俺が囮になって敵を集めるから、魔法頼んだよ
Noctis: ??? OK. Leave it to me! 分かった任せろ!

Prompto: Time to boogie! Let’s give our best. 頑張りますか
Gladio: ??? Yep. あぁ
Ignis: Right. Yeah. あぁ
Noctis: Yeah. Sure! おう

Prompto: I am starving! Ah-, I’m starving-… あー、腹減ったー
Noctis: Take a break after this? Take a break after this? 終わったらどっかで休むか
Prompto: Gladly! Agree- ♪ 賛成ー♪

Prompto: ??? Let’s do our best. 頑張りますか
Gladio: ??? Yup! おう


⊕ in 1-sentence; Compilation

Noctis: Are you kidding me? It’s huge! Are you serious…? デッカ、マジかよ…
Ignis: Rather enormous. How big is this..? なんて大きさだ
Prompto Uh-oh, get ready for the big one! Uwaa! Wait… here it comes!! うわ ちょっ きた

⊕ Dialogs

Noctis: What the hell’s this? What is this thing? なんだこいつ
Prompto: Something we don’t want to mess with. Somehow, it’s impossible to match it! なんかもう、ついていけない!

Noctis: This is gonna take a while. This is gonna take a while… こりゃ長くなるな…
Gladio: What, you worried? Are you scared? 怖気づいたか?
Noctis: You wish. No way. まさかな

Noctis: The size of ’em. Too huge! でけーな
Gladio: I didn’t know they made ’em that big. It’s beyond normal animals. 動物って枠じゃねぇな
Prompto: So how do we take ’em on? Can we win? 俺たち勝てんの
Ignis: ‘Carefully. One mistake could be our last. Don’t get careless or it will swallow us alive. 油断すれば一発でやられるぞ

Prompto: This doesn’t look too good. Uh oh, This might be bad. あーあーこれ、ヤバそうだね
Noctis: That’s not gonna stop us. No choice but to do it, right? やるしかねぇんだろ?
Ignis: Quite the formidable foe, indeed. Seems… normal method won’t work anymore. これは…一筋縄ではいかなそうだ
Gladio: Bring it on. Show your skills! 腕がなるぜ

Prompto: No way we’re taking that thing on! Whoa, we really fight that? うわマジであれと戦うの?
Gladio: No turning back. We have no choice. 行くしかねえか
Noctis: Nope. Yeah. ああ

Ignis: The odds are against us. The odds are against us… 形勢不利か…
Noctis: That’s not gonna stop us. Then we’ll have to do it. やるしかねぇんだろ?

Ignis: The odds are against us. The odds are against us… 形勢不利か…
Noctis: I’ll say. Agreed… そうだな

Ignis: The odds are against us. The odds are against us… 形勢不利か…
Gladio: Bring it on. Show your skills! 腕がなるぜ

Ignis: The odds are against us. The odds are against us… 形勢不利か…
Prompto: Oh, geez… Oh man… きっついなあ

Ignis: Not our lucky day. What a bad luck… ツイてないな
Prompto: Whoa! We got company! Uwaah! It’s coming! うわ 出た
Gladio: Well, misery loves company. We found a dangerous one, huh? やべえヤツのお出ましか

Gladio: Got a tough one on our hands. Dangerous-looking enemies appeared. ヤバそうな奴のお出ましだ
Ignis: Quite the formidable foe, indeed. Seems… normal method won’t work anymore. これは…一筋縄ではいかなそうだ
Prompto: Oh, geez… Oh man… きっついなあ

Gladio: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. In this kind of situation, let me handle it. こういうのはオレ向きだな
Noctis: You should know. Sorry. 悪い

*Extremely hard (impossible) battle

Gladio: Can we handle this? Can we beat them? 倒せそうか?
Prompto: Might want to think twice. With this much, we’ll… こんくらいならー
Ignis: More important to move fast. If you’re careless, the enemies will catch your feet. 油断してると足元すくわれるぞ


⊕ in 1-sentence; Compilation

Noctis: Yech. Not a fan of mushy desserts. It’s… slimy and yucky… ぬるぬるして気持ち悪っ
Noctis: ??? Urg, I don’t feel good. あぁ、気持ち悪ぃ…
Prompto: “We’re in the money, we’re in the money!” Guys! We found the target! 皆!ターゲット発見!
Prompto: Whoa! Look at ’em go! Uwah, they’re fast! うわ、早いよコイツら
Prompto: So these are imperials… Niflheim Empire… ニフルハイム帝国…
Prompto: ??? Uwaa, so many! Disgusting! うぅわ、キモいのいっぱいいる!
Prompto: ??? Uwaa, I can’t stand them! うぅわ、あういうの苦手!
Prompto: ??? Ooh! A weird moster! おおっ、変な奴いるぅ
Prompto: ??? Ah! A dragon… Hahaha, this is like RPG! あぁ、竜がいる…はっははは…RPGみたいだねぇ

⊕ Dialogs

(new enemy)

Gladio: Iggy, what’s the best way to hurt these things? Ignis, what’s its weakness? イグニス、こいつらの弱点はなんだ?
Ignis: I’m not certain. Noct, could you look into this? I don’t know. Not enough information. Noct, can you help me? ダメだ。情報が足りない。ノクト、頼めるからな。

(fast enemy)

Prompto: I am not into wildlife. More of a pet guy. It would be dangerous if you get surrounded by these. これ囲まれたらヤバそうだね
Noctis: Quit your crying. Stop whining. 泣き言言うなよ
Prompto: Time to put up or shut up. I will do it when the time comes. オレだってやる時はやるよ
Ignis: Let’s not give ourselves away. If you got careless, you’re done for. 油断するとやられるぞ

(rapid battle)

Prompto: Really? Again? You kidding? Battle again? うっそ、また?
Ignis: No rest for the wicked. Hhh, looks like no time to break. ふぅ、休む間もないな

(rapid battle) 

Noctis: How many times… Tsk, annoying monsters. ったく鬱陶しいな
Gladio: Enough talk, time for some action. Being stubborn is annoying indeed. しつこい奴は嫌われるぜ


Ignis: We’re outnumbered. I propose we take them out one by one. There are a lot of them. It’s better if we fight it one by one. 数が多い。かくじつに一疋じゅつとめるぞ
Noctis: Could you propose a way to finish this faster? Sounds so much trouble, but fine… 面倒くせけど仕方ねーな

(crabs type enemy)

Ignis: ??? Tsk… sigh… チッ、はぁ…
Noctis: Thought seafood would make you happy- especially something this big. Huh? Don’t you like seafood? あれ?海鮮料理好きじゃなかったのか?
Ignis: What it’s gained in size, it will have lost in flavor. Its big size will reduced the level of delicacy. あれだけデカいと味も落ちる
Noctis: That’s what you’re hung up about? Is that all you worry about? 気にするとこそこか?

(Garula etc)

Ignis: These look like they’re fit to be cooked. They can be made into valuable ingredients. こいつらは食材になるから貴重だ
Noctis: Let’s go get us some dinner. Really? Can’t wait for tonight. へぇ、今夜は楽しみだな

(cave goblin, mindflayer, spider, skeleton, etc)

Gladio: UGH. Ugliest things I’ve ever seen. Hmm, this is bad for my heart. うーん 胸が悪くなるぜ
Noctis: I don’t wanna go anywhere near ’em. Type of enemy you don’t want to touch. 触れ合いたくない相手だな
Prompto: Ha! I don’t even wanna look at ’em! I don’t even think about touching it! I want to run away! 触れ合わなくても遠慮したいよ
Ignis: Hmph. I feel the same about you lot. There’s no point in complaining, right? そうも言ってはいられないだろう

Prompto: Whatever that is, it’s disgusting. Uwah, impossible! No way, I can’t! うわあー無理!オレあれは無理!
Noctis: Quit your crying. Stop whining. 泣き言いうなよ

Prompto: I can’t take it any more! All this fighting’s driving me nuts. It’s straining my nerve fighting these kinds of monsters! こいつら、闘ってた緊張おかしくなりそう
Noctis: Well, only one way to end it. Yeah, let’s end this quickly. ああ、早く終わらせるぞ

Gladio: Just can’t take a hint. What are these guys? 何なんだ こいつら
Noctis: Makes me sick just lookin’ at ’em. No way. Seriously, I can’t take it. 駄目だマジ受け付けねぇわ
Gladio: Stop bitching, start killing. No time for complain! 文句言ってる暇ねぇぞ


Prompto: These are not the type of bad guys I like to fight. Eew, these monsters are my weakness. うわ、こういつ奴苦手
Gladio: What type do you like to fight? Do you have any favorite one? 得意なのあんのかよ
Prompto: None, now that you mention it. Hehe, not really. あんまりない


Prompto: He’s got a knife! Maybe it’s for cooking? It’s holding kitchen knife! Maybe Ignis’ friends? 包丁持ってる!もしかしてイグニスの仲間?
Gladio: Don’t bet on it. Of course not! んなわけねーだろ!!

Ignis: A kitchen knife. Wonder if it’s a culinary battle he wants. A kitchen knife? Is this suppose to be a culinary battle? 包丁だと?料理対決するつもりか?
Noctis: I somehow doubt that. Err…no, I really doubt that. いや 絶対違うし


Ignis: Sand everywhere. What a terrible sandstorm. 砂嵐が凄いな
Prompto: Oh, it’s in my eyes… and in my mouth! We can’t see a thing! もう本当に何も見えないね

Gladio: ??? Feel the sands in my mouth. 口ん中ザラザラだな
Noctis: ??? Blech… it’s like licking the ground… ん 地面舐めてる気分

(no Gladio)

Ignis: We must be doubly cautious. Please fight carefully. 戦闘は慎重にな
Noctis: Right. No Gladio, no room for error. Yeah, because Gladio isn’t here. ああ グラディオいねーしな

(Cor in Party)

Ignis: We must come up with a plan. So, what should we do… さてどうする
Cor: Calm and collected as ever, I see. Calm and collected as ever, Ignis. 冷静さは相変わらずだな イグニス

Cor What’s the plan, Ignis? What do you think, Ignis? どうでる?イグニス
Ignis: Prepare ourselves for the long haul. A long fight seems to be unavoidable…Sir. 長期戦は避けられそうにない ですね

Prompto: Er, how do we get through all that? It’s full of enemies! Are we going to get through? 敵だらけだよ 通れんの?
Cor: Take ’em head-on, or sheak up from behind. The choice is yours. Take them head-on, or circling around. Think carefully and decide. 突き進むか回り込むか 多くの手を考えろ

Cor: No slacking off, Gladio Gladio, give it your all. グラディオ 本気を出せ
Gladio: Doesn’t look like I’ll have the chance. Yeah, seems it would be dangerous if not. ああ 手ぇ抜いたらマズそうだ

Gladio: No orders for me? ??? ???
Cor: No, this shouldn’t require much strategy. ??? ???

Cor: Don’t let your guard down! No matter where, don’t let your… どんなときでも油断はー
Noctis: I know! Who are you, Ignis? OK, I get it! You sounded like Ignis. わかってるよ イグニスみてーだな
Ignis: Something the matter? You said something? 何か言ったか


Noctis: Nothing we can’t handle. These guys are nothing for me. 大したやつがないの
Gladio: Heh, ya think? Really? マジか

Gladio: Done in a minute? Done in a minute? 一分でいけるか?
Noctis: With time to spare. I don’t need a minute. 一分もいらねー

Gladio: This shouldn’t take long. This shouldn’t take long. いっしゅんで終わっちまうそだ
Noctis: You said it! You said it! だな

Gladio: I expected more of a challenge. Honestly, this fight is boring. 正直ぬるいな
Prompto: I think we can handle this. We can definitely handle it. これならなんとかなるしょ
Ignis: Don’t let up now. Even so, don’t let your guard down. だが手は抜くなよ
Prompto: Better snap some shots while I’ve got the chance! Better snap some shots while I’ve got the chance! こんなときこそ、写真でも撮っとこ

Ignis: Far less trouble than anticipated. At this rate, seems we will be fine. これくらいなら大丈夫そうだな
Noctis: Meh. Yeah… あぁ、だな

Ignis: They’ve no idea what they’re up against. Seems this would be easy battle for you. 余裕で相手が出来そうだな
Noctis: You said it. You said it. だな

Prompto: Be sure to smile for the camera, Noct! Noct, smile to the camera once in a while. ノクトー、たまにカメラ目線とかくれてもいいよー
Noctis: Don’t count on it. What? なんだそりゃ

Prompto: I think we can handle this. I think we can make it somehow! これならなんとかなるっしょ
Gladio: C’mon. I got a date with a cup of noodles. Aah. I want to eat noodle. あぁーヌードルでも食いたいな

Prompto: Knock ’em dead, Noct! I’ll be sure to get lots of pics! Alright! I will take lots of photos of Noct’s cool actions. はーい、ノクトの格好いいとこいっぱい撮るからねー
Noctis: How about you fight instead? Hey, you fight too! 戦えよ
Prompto: Nah, I think I’m okay! No, this is also important. いやこれも大事

Prompto: I think I could handle this all by myself. I think I could handle this all by myself. 俺一人でもやれそうじゃない?
Ignis: Perhaps Oh? Sounds reliable. 期待だな

Noctis: I’ll have these guys wiped out before you know it. I can finish these in an instant. こんな一瞬で終わりだ
Iris: Is that so? Alright- prove it. Wow, Noct! I knew you can do it! さすがノクト!期待してる

Iris: Do your best, guys! Do your best, guys! 皆がんばって!
Noctis: Our best would be overkill here. Our best would be overkill here. これ頑張るまでもねーだよ